Friday, December 16, 2011

Invite Media, 80M In Four Years

Becker, Turner and Weinberg
Invite Media is a tech company that developed an innovative platform for online advertising. Nat Turner, Scott Becker, Michael Provenzano and Zach Weinberg are the founders of the company, originally based in Philadelphia. Invite Media was acquired by Google in 2011 for roughly 80M just four years after the company's launch. All four founders were in their early 20s while starting the venture. Invite Media's platform supports a vast number of ad exchanges including Google, Yahoo and Microsoft. The idea was first developed in a UPenn dorm room, eventually leading to the teams involvement with UPenn's Wharton Entrepreneurial Program. Turner and one of his early investors, Chris Dickson, share optimism for tech start ups even during the recovery of an economy. "The best time to start a company is when no one else is" states Turner. "A lot of the economy is suffering" states Dickson "the technology world is actually doing very well.” Nat Turner also talked about his experiences as an entrepreneur. "Getting the first probably the most important part" states Turner "The hardier we worked...the luckier we got." He also believes that the younger population has an advantage due to "insight" on what people like. 

Scott Becker gives advice on where to spend money in the early stages of a start up (above) and talks about common mistakes among young entrepreneurs (below).

Visit for more information.