Monday, December 27, 2010

Sample NDA Changes

NDA's are used in the business world as an agreement between parties to protect the confidentiality of an idea, invention, business plan etc. It can be the best option to protect your work from someone misusing it without your consent. It does not offer the same level of protection as a formal patent but is a good tactic to use when discussing/communicating your work to others.

For the NDA, you will need to make some general changes. Your name, address, phone number and email are all filled in at the top. As well as the consultant's email and phone. The date will most likely need to be changed, unless you are using the form today.

You will need to type in the state you are residing in at the bottom of the document (last paragraph). Your name and title and the Consultant's name and title. They should sign in the blank space after it says by: C o n s u l t a n t ' s  N a m e.

By the way, anytime I used spacing it just represented when something was to be filled in.

Sample Agreements on provided for free. This site takes no responsibility for any consequences that result from your decision to use sample agreements.

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